Priorities For All
- More Career and Technology Education Classes
- Transparency to the Community
- Improve Employee Retention
Possibilities For All
- Upon graduation, all students will have job-ready skills. All students should graduate with the skills and ability for college or the work force.
- Better teacher-to-student ratio.
- Collaboration with all stakeholders involved in policy creation and implementation. Including parents, teachers, students, staff, and adminsitration.
- Additional counselors for all schools to improve counselor-to-student ratio.
Volunteer Program
Want to help Debbie Cross? Learn more about how you can help here.
Endorsement Program
Do you wish to sponsor Debbie Cross? Contact us today!
Debbie is fighting for our students and she needs your help. Become a part of a people-powered grassroots campagain.

“I believe each student has a seed of greatness. A caring environment will motivate and inspire students to achieve their full potential.”
Featured Endorsements

Lela Alston
Legislative District 5